Vimsothri Dasa Bukthi Predictions
The period during which the planets rule over the lifespan of man is called Dasa. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu will take place in Dasas in this order based on the Genma star. Wherever you are born in the world, Dasas are based on the stars. The first dasa is the beginning based on their birth star. We can tell predictions to the person based on the dasas.
What does we offer in this service?
We will answer your queries after reading your horoscope.
In this service,
you can ask us any two questions related to Dasa Bukthi and any other three questions related to general predictions.
If you do not have any horoscope written previously, we recommend you to choose our service Horoscope Writing (Casting) and General Predictions (Combo Service).
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