Education Predictions:
In Astrology, the Mercury planet (Vidhya Kaarakan) is kaaraka planet for Education.
Primary education, Secondary education, Undergraduate education (Bachelor’s degree) and Postgraduate education (Master’s degree):
The above is based on the planets belonging to the house 2,4,9,11 and the planets in them. The person of the horoscope will excel in the education based on the following in their horoscope.
Mercury planet’s (Vidhya kaarakan)
Auspicious insertion
Auspicious sight
Auspicious dominance
What does we offer in this service?
In this service,
we can help you know about your Primary Education, Secondary education, Graduation (U.G [Bachelor’s] and P.G [ Master’s] as well) by reading your horoscope.
You can ask us any two questions related to education and any other three questions related to general predictions.
We will answer your queries after reading your horoscope. If you do not have any horoscope written previously, then we recommend you to use our service Horoscope Writing (Casting) and General Predictions (Combo Service).
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